19 May 2023

Juma Al Majid Center Hosts Delegation from Sultan Ahmed Foundation in Istanbul

Dr. Mohammed Kamil, the Director-General of Juma Al Majid Center for Culture and Heritage in Dubai, welcomed a delegation from the Sultan Ahmed Foundation in Istanbul. The delegation included Dr. Ismail Haki Tuman, the President of the Sultan Ahmed Foundation, and Dr. Mahmoud Al-Masri, the Director-General of the Manuscripts House affiliated with the Sultan Ahmed Foundation.
The purpose of the visit was to familiarize the delegation with the efforts of the center in preserving manuscripts and books and to discuss potential areas of cooperation between the center and the Sultan Ahmed Foundation in Istanbul. The visit also aimed to facilitate the signing of a memorandum of understanding that serves the mutual interests of both entities.
Dr. Mohammed Kamil warmly welcomed the visiting delegation and highlighted the center’s role in preserving world heritage. He expressed the center’s readiness to collaborate for the benefit of both institutions. Dr. Mohammed Kamil, along with Mr. Anwar Al aldhaheri, the Head of the Public Relations Department at the center, accompanied the delegation on a tour. The tour started at the “Journey of Giving” exhibition, which showcases rare treasures owned by the center, as well as photos documenting the center’s scholarly visits and agreements with international cultural institutions. The delegation also visited the section dedicated to specialized libraries, including those for distinguished Arab scholars and intellectuals. The visit concluded at the manuscripts section.
At the end of the delegation’s visit to the center, Dr. Ismail Haki Tuman, the President of the Sultan Ahmed Foundation, praised the center for its diverse services that benefit various segments of society, including researchers and students of knowledge.