Conditions for the publication of books in a series of “Aafaqu al-thaqafa wa al-turath” (Horizons of Culture and Heritage)
- The topic should have a distinct novelty, objectivity and comprehensiveness which enriches the knowledge, and deals with one of two things:
- A contemporary cultural issue, due consideration to the benefit of Arabic and Islamic culture, and contribute to overcome the cultural problems.
- The issue of scientific heritage, which can contribute to the development of intellectual and cognitive intake of Arabic and Muslim human, and enrich the Arabic and Islamic culture.
- The book should not be the part of a master’s or doctoral thesis prepared by the researcher, and not have been published in any manner whatsoever, this includes books submitted for publication to a any other direction,
or those already have been provided to universities or scientific seminars, etc. and it should be a written undertaking signed by the researcher.
- Due consideration should be given to the religious texts as to write them accurately with punctuation and pronunciation marks, likewise attributing the Quranic verses, and referring the ‘ahadith’ to their reference
- The book must be free from linguistic and grammatical errors, taking into account punctuation marks, generally accepted in the Arabic style, with putting the pronunciation marks wherever needed.
- Scientific method must be followed in terms of the briefing, thoroughness, relying on authentic sources, attribution, documentation, footnotes, references, and other rules in force in scientific researches, keeping
in mind that the references and footnotes of each page should be at the bottom of that page.
- Indexing the sources and scientific references and their authors at the end of the book in alphabetical order, according to the title, with mentioning the publisher and date of publication.
- Book should have been composed on the computer, or typed on typewriter, or written by clear handwriting, on only one side of the paper.
- The researcher should attach to his work, brief summary of his educational career, indicating his full name, degree, job title, place of work mentioning the department, the College and the University, as well as
the address, and a recent colored photograph.
- Similarly the book can be based on manuscript verification; in this case the known scientific rules in the field should be followed, attaching with the book the photos of the copies of verified manuscript, used
in this process.
- The book should neither be less than 100 pages nor be more than 200 pages.
- Books submitted for evaluation and arbitration are subject to the rules and regulations adhered to by, and carried out by leading scholars and specialists, in order to promote scientific research to serve the nation
and raise it, and one of those rules is not knowing the arbitrators and researchers the names of one another, whether the arbitrators agreed to publish research without modification or expressed some observations,
or lack of suitability for publication.
- Views published in this series reflect the thought of their owners, and do not represent the opinion of the publisher or its direction.
- Books sent will not be returned to the owners, whether published or not.
- After submission of the book to arbitration, researcher is not liable to request not to publish it, unless for reasons that convinced the committee overseeing the issuance of the series, and that should be prior
to the notice of acceptance of his book for publication.
- Any book that fails to meet the terms mentioned will be excluded.
- Center pays rewards for published books, and thirty copies of the printed book to the author.